Get a Library Card

Library cards are free to residents of Ephraim, Mount Pleasant and Manti. Residents of other areas in Sanpete county may obtain a library card for a fee of $10.00 per year. This fee is to offset the taxes paid by residents of Ephraim to support the library. Snow College students may obtain a card for a fee of $5.00. Proof of residence is required to obtain a library card. We accept utility bills, rental agreements, bank statements and photo ID with current address.

Ephraim, Mt. Pleasant, and Manti residents can get a library card for $1.00 (the cost of the card). This is a one-time charge unless you lose your card and want a replacement. It is also $1.00 for a replacement.Residents of other areas in Sanpete county may obtain a library card for a fee of $10.00 per year. This fee is to offset the taxes paid by residents of Ephraim to support the library. Snow College students may obtain a card for a fee of $5.00.Proof of residence is required to obtain a library card.We accept:
  • utility bills
  • rental agreements
  • bank statements
  • photo ID with current address
  • online orders that indicate a local delivery address (i.e., Amazon)