Library Board Meeting

This meeting of the Ephraim Public Library Board is open to the public.


  1. Call to order, Roll Call, Review/Vote to approve minutes from the last meeting
  2. Public Input (if any)
  3. Michael Thompson – Library Director Reports
    • Update on Staffing Policy requiring 2-persons on staff during open hours (see proposed policy in email)
    • Proposed adjustment of library fines, fees, and circulation policies (help bring them into better alignment with Manti and Mt. Pleasant)
    • Jerry Dahl donation (what the plan is for this collection)
    • Board feedback on subscription apps
      • Bookflix
      • Scholastic Teachables
  4. Annual Board Calendar discussion
  5. Action Items


Note: The Board may vote to discuss certain matters in Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code annotated 52-4-5. From time to time, matters are discussed that do not appear on the posted agenda. Items that require/request action taken will appear in the Action Items section of each posted agenda. Submitted Action Items for the agenda must be submitted to the Library Board Secretary by the Friday prior to the meeting and should be accompanied by any and all supporting written documentation. Without such documentation, the Board reserves the right to postpone the hearing of any item until such documentation has been submitted.

Notice of Special Accommodations:

This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicap parking is available. Request for accommodations and interpretive services must be made three (3) working days prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Recorder’s Office at (435)283-4631 or facsimile (435)283-4867 for information or assistance.


30 South Main, Ephraim, 84627


Mar 19 2024


5:30 pm
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